Tuesday, May 13, 2008

NCAA to Investigate O.J. Mayo

NCAA president Myles Brand has promised to investigate O.J. Mayo for allegedly receiving gifts and money while in high school and at Southern California.  A former friend of Mayo's, Louis Johnson, has claimed that Bill Duffy Associates, a sports agency, provided Rodney Guillory, another friend, with $200,000 to accommodate Mayo.  Johnson claims Mayo received about $30,000 in cash and gifts from Guillory.

I think that it was a definite for the NCAA to investigate this situation with Mayo.  These are serious allegations with a lot of evidence, which could prove many NCAA violations.  My guess is that the NCAA will investigate, but in the end it will go away and no big punishments will be handed out.  Similar allegations occurred with LeBron James and Reggie Bush and in the end nothing really happened, so I expect the same.

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